Saturday, March 5, 2011

Super concise notes of Allied laws for CA finals!

Prevention of Money Laundering Act:
- To prevent money laundering
- To stop channelizing of money into illegal activities
- To provide for confiscation of property acquired from money laundering.
What is money laundering?
 Any activity connected with the proceeds of crime and projecting it as accounted money shall be covered under the offense of money laundering.
What is the Punishment for money laundering?
 An offence of money laundering shall be punished with a minimum imprisonment of 3 years and a maximum of upto 5 years together with a fine of upto Rs. 500000. If the offence has committed a crime under para-2 (Arms act) then the imprisonment may be upto 10 years.
Obligations & duties of banking companies, financial institutions and intermediaries under this Act:
They are to maintain records of transactions which may be prescribed and whether or not such transaction is a single transaction or a number of closely connected transactions and furnish the records of all suspicious transactions to the Directors as and when required. Such record has to be maintained by the institutions for a period of 10 years.
Powers of the Director:
The director may call for information and records and make an inquiry either on his own motion or on an application made by authority, person or officer. If the banking Co. or financial institution or intermediary is found guilty then the director may impose a fine of a minimum of 10000 but less than 100000 for each such failure. A copy of the orders shall be provided to the parties concerned.
Appeal to Appellate Tribunal (AT): An appeal may be filed against the order of a Director/Adjudicating Authority to the AT within 45 days from the date of communication of such order to the aggrieved. The AT may extend the time allowed if it deems fit.
The AT shall after giving an opportunity of being heard to all the parties pass an order confirming, modifying or cancelling the order appealed against. There is no time limit for passing such order but the AT shall endeavor to pass it within 6 months from the date of filing.
Procedures & powers of AT:
- Is not bound by code of civil procedure but guided but the principle of natural justice.
- It shall have the same powers as vested in a civil court under the code of civil procedure.
- Its orders shall be executable as a decree of civil court.
- It may transmit any order made by it to a civil court having a local jurisdiction.
Note: No civil court has the authority to grant an injunction or entertain a suit which the director, AA or AT is empowered by this act do determine.
Appeal to High Court:
An aggrieved can file an appeal within 60 + 60 (extension) days of receipt of order on a question of law/fact.
Note: The CG in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court may designate one or more special courts under this act to try both civil as well as criminal cases.
The Insurance Act:
Key words:
Authority: means IRDA
Fire insurance business: Any business which is engaged in the business of effecting contracts of insurance against loss by or incidental to fire.
Marine Insurance business: Any business which is engaged in the business of effecting contracts of insurance upon vessels including cargoes, freights etc. either by land or water including warehousing risks.
Insurance agent: Any person who solicits or procures insurance business including renewal, continuance or revival of existing business for the insurance companies in consideration for commission or other remuneration.
Appointment of Controller of Insurance: When the insurance authority is superseded under the IRDA act, the CG may appoint a controller of insurance till the time the authority is reconstituted.

Eligibility: The business of insurance in India can be carried out only by the following: -
- A public company
- A society registered under the cooperative societies act
- A body corporate excluding a private ltd. Company.
Registration: No person can carry out the insurance business unless he has obtained a certificate of registration for which an application needs to be filed accompanied by: -
- A certified copy of MoA & AoA/Deed of partnership as the case may be,
- Name, address and occupation of all the directors
- A statement of class or classes of insurance business done or to be done.
- A certificate from the RBI showing amount deposited with it.
The Authority if satisfied about the financial soundness, volume of business likely to be obtained, interest of the general public etc. and if all the requirements of registration have been complied with, grant him with the certificate of registration. If the authority refuses then it has to record the reasons in writing and give a copy to the applicant. An appeal can be filed against such a refusal to the CG within 30 days of decision. The order of the CG shall be final and can’t be appealed against.
Cancellation of registration: After cancellation the insurer shall be barred from entering into any new contract of insurance but it shall have no effect on its contracts made prior to cancellations and all right and obligations shall remain unaffected. It can be cancelled if: -
- Insurer doesn’t comply with provisions relating to making deposits with the RBI.
- Assets are not in excess of its liabilities,
- Insurer is in liquidation or is an adjudged insolvent,
- The deposit made by insurer has been returned,
- Insurer doesn’t comply with the act,
- Claims against the insurance company remain unsettled for a period of 3 months even after judicial settlement,
- Insurer doesn’t comply with the directions of the IRDA, Co. Act, LIC Act, GIB Act or FERA.
Renewal of registration: Insurer is required to get its registration renewed every year before 31st December of the previous year ending on 31st march. If it is filed on a later date then it shall be accompanied with a penalty.
Requirement as to capital:
 LIC & GIC - 100 Cr. Of paid up equity capital.
 Reinsurer - 200 Cr. Of paid up equity capital.
The shares should be ordinary equity shares only with a single face value and voting rights in proportion with the amount of paid up value of shares held.
Maximum shareholding by the promoter = 26% of paid up equity capital.
Deposits with the RBI: In cash or in approved securities at mkt. value on the date of deposit should be:
 LIC: Lower of 1% of annual gross premium or 10 Cr.
 GIC: Lower of 3% annual gross premium or 10 Cr.
 Reinsurer: 20 Cr.
Any such deposit shall be deemed to be the asset of the insurer not susceptible to any charge or assignment. Such deposit cannot be used to discharge any liability other than those arising out of policies like payment of any debt to holder of the policy.
Such deposits may be refunded back to the insurer when all insurance liability has been discharged and insurance business has ceased to exist.
 No MD/WTD/Manager/CEO can be appointed, reappointed or terminated from office without the prior approval of the authority. For any termination an opportunity of being heard has to be given first.
Additional Directors: Authority may appoint additional directors if it deems it fit in the interest of the public and the policy holders. At any time the number of such directors not to exceed lower of the 5 or 1/3rd of the maximum strength.
Their tenure shall be 3 years + 3 years extension; no requirement of qualification shares; shall not be counted in total number of directors.
General points:
 The CG may on a report from the Authority stating that the business of insurer is being carried out in a manner detrimental to the interests of the public, policy holders and the insurance company, may order to acquire such undertaking after giving sufficient opportunity of being heard. Any suit pending by or against the insurer prior to the acquisition shall continue to be enforced by or against the CG.
 The CG shall grant adequate compensation to the insurer in such a case in consultation with the authority. But the aggrieved may request the CG to re-determine it and to have the matter referred to the tribunal. The order of the tribunal shall be final.
 Authority may order closure of foreign branches of the insurer within 1 year if it is making losses or is running in a manner detrimental to the interests of the concerned parties.
 Policy holders may at any time before the policy matures make nomination by an endorsement on the policy or cancel or change the endorsement by communicating it to the insurer by a notice in writing.
 Licensing of the surveyors and loss assessors: Cannot act as surveyors/loss assessors unless they hold a valid license which can be obtained for 5 years + renewed for 5 years.
 A duplicate certificate/license is issued for a fine if the original one is lost or mutilated.
 No risk has to be assumed by an insurance business until the premium amount is received or guaranteed to be paid by the insured. An agent has to deposit the premium obtained from the insured within 24 hrs. of it receipt. Any refund of premium shall be made directly to the insured without bringing in between any agent and a proper receipt has to be obtained.
 Reinsurance of sum assured: Every insurer shall reinsure certain percentage of the sum assured (max. 30%) with an Indian reinsurer. But the reinsurer can reinsure even 100%.

The Securities Contract (Regulation) Act:
- To regulate the stock exchanges & transaction in securities
- To regulate buying and selling of securities outside the limits of the stock exchanges
- To prevent undesirable speculation.
This Act does not apply on the following & any transaction entered into with them:
- Government
- Local Authority
- Corporations setup by a special Act
1. Securities - It includes shares, debentures, scrips, stocks, debenture stocks, bonds, derivative instruments, units of mutual fund, government securities, other marketable securities and a certificate or any other instrument by whatever name called issued by a special distinct entity having debt or receivables.
2. Spot delivery contracts – A contract in which the actual delivery of securities and the payment thereof is required to be made either on the day of contract or on the next day or a contract in which the depository transfers the securities from the account of one beneficial owner to another beneficial owner is called a spot delivery contract.
3. Stock exchange – SE refers to a body of individuals or a society whether incorporated or not (if constituted before the scheme) constituted for the purpose of regulating, assisting and controlling the business of dealing in securities.
4. Corporatization – It means succession of a RSE being a body of individuals by another SE being a Co. for the purpose of regulating, controlling and assisting the business of dealing in securities.
5. Demutualization – It means the segregation of ownership and management rights from the trading rights of the members of a RSE in accordance with the scheme framed by SEBI.
Every RSE shall be corporatized and demutualized as per the scheme framed by SEBI under Sec 4B before the appointed date.

Procedure for Corporatization & Demutualization:
Every RSE shall submit a scheme for corporatization and demutualization to SEBI within time specified if not already corporatized and demutualized. SEBI may approve the scheme with or without modification after making an enquiry and if it is satisfied that it is in the interest of the public and trade. Otherwise it may reject the scheme but before giving an opportunity if being heard to all persons concerned. The approval or disapproval shall come into effect with the publication of a notification by SEBI in the official gazette. If approved the RSE shall get the scheme published in 2 newspapers as specified by the SEBI. SEBI may impose the following restrictions and condition:
- Restrict voting rights of members who are also shareholders
- Maximum no. of representatives of the stock brokers to be appointed on the governing board shall not exceed 1/4th.
- At least 51% of the Equity Share capital of the RSE should be held by public other than shareholders having trading rights.
- RSE shall comply with the prov. of the scheme within 12 months of publication by SEBI.
Note: If any RSE fails to corporatize or demutualize before the appointed date or its scheme is rejected by SEBI then the recognition of such SE shall stand withdrawn by publication of a notification in the official gazette. However, such withdrawal shall not affect the validity of contracts entered into before the date of publication of notification.
Listing & Delisting of Securities:
Every Co. desirous of listing its securities on an RSE shall make an application to the RSE and comply with the listing agreement. The RSE may reject such an application by giving reasons for such refusal. The aggrieved Co. can file an appeal against such order with the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) within 15 days of receipt of such order or 10 months from the closing of subscription list if no order was received. An extension may be granted of a further 1 month.
The SAT after giving notice to the RSE may set aside, vary or reject the order within 6 months and send copies of order to both parties. It shall be binding on the SE. A further appeal can be filed in the Supreme Court on a question of law within 60 days from the receipt of the order of SAT. The period may be extended to a further 60 days.
The RSE may delist the securities of a Co. after giving reasonable opportunity of being heard to the Co. and recording its reasons for delisting the securities. Appeal against such an order may be filed with the SAT by the Co. or any aggrieved investor. The procedures are the same as mentioned above.
Clearing Corporation: A clearing corporation is a Co. which performs the functions of a clearing house on behalf of the RSE and with prior approval of SEBI. It shall make by its bye-laws and submit them with the SEBI for approval.
Its functions include:
- Periodical settlement of contracts
- Delivery of securities & payment thereof
- Any other matter connected with the above.
Recognition & De-recognition of Stock Exchanges:
An application for recognition shall be made by the SE to the CG in accordance with the provisions of this Act & in the prescribed manner along with its rules & bye-laws containing the constitution and management details. The CG shall make an enquiry as it deems fit and also call for additional information.
The CG may grant approval to the SE by publication of notification in the official gazette if it is satisfied that the bye-laws & rules protect investors and are in conformity with the conditions imposed by the CG and also in the interest of the public & trade. Otherwise it may refuse to grant recognition after giving an opportunity of being heard. The conditions imposed by the CG may include qualification of members, maintenance & audit of accounts, appointment of representatives of the CG on the governing board (not exceeding 3) etc.
The CG may withdraw the recognition of a SE if it is of the opinion that such withdrawal is in the interest of the public & trade by issuing a notice to the SE intimating its intentions with reasons and giving it an opportunity of being heard.
Power of CG to supersede the governing body of a RSE: The CG may supersede the governing body by publication of a notification in the official gazette if it deems fit. The CG shall serve a notice to the RSE intimating its intentions with reasons and give an opportunity of being heard to the governing body. The members shall cease to hold their offices w.e.f. date of publication of notification.
CG shall appoint members on the governing body including the chairman and vice-chairman for a fixed tenure with the same powers, functions and duties as enjoyed by the governing body. All the property of the SE shall vest in the person(s) appointed by CG which will help him discharge his functions properly.
But after reconstitution of the governing body as per the order of CG the position shall reverse again.
Powers of CG to suspend business of a stock exchange: CG shall through a notification in the official gazette declare that no contract for sale or purchase of securities shall be entered in certain states or area if it is of the opinion that undesirable speculation is being carried out in relation to certain securities in certain areas. All contracts entered into after such notification in relation to such securities shall be illegal except a contract entered into with the permission of the CG or if it is in conformity with the conditions specified in the notification if any.
Power to declare contracts in notified areas to be illegal u/s 13: With due regard to the nature & volume of transaction in a state or area, CG has the power to declare a state or area as notified u/s 13 and all contracts in securities entered in those areas shall be illegal except Spot delivery contracts and contracts entered between or through/with members of an RSE.
Licensing contracts in securities u/s 17: It applies to those states/areas which are not covered u/s Sec 13. Under this section the CG can regulate the dealings in securities in certain state/area by a system of licenses to be obtained from SEBI if it is of the opinion that it is desirable in the interest of the public and trade to do so. Sec 17 shall not apply for Spot delivery contracts and a contract by or with a member.
Note: If any contract is entered into a notified u/s 13 or in contravention of the bye-laws of the SE then all such contracts (except Spot delivery contracts) shall be void as respect the member as well as any person who knowingly entered into such contract. However it shall not be void as respect the rights of a person (except a member) who had no knowledge of such a transaction. In case of such contravention the members shall be liable to fine, suspension, expulsion, penalty etc.
Scope of Rules of SE:
- Voting rights shall be available only to the members
- Every member shall have only one right
- A member shall not be allowed to attend or vote by proxy
- Other incidental & supplementary matters
Rules may be amended by the SE with prior approval by the CG. They override the Co. laws.
Power of CG to amend rules: CG can amend rules if following conditions are satisfied:
- CG has consulted the governing body of the SE
- CG is of the opinion that such an amendment is expedient
- Specify reasons for making such an order
It shall be the duty of SE to amend rules within 2 months from date of order of CG failing which the CG shall proceed to amend the rules itself by publishing in the official gazette and it shall have the effect as if they were amendment by the SE itself.
Scope of Bye-laws:
- Opening & Closing of markets and regulation of hours of trade
- Regulation & maintenance of clearing house
- Determination & declaration of market rates
- Margin requirements
- Listing of securities on the SE, Settlement of claims & disputes
- Settlement of claims & disputes
- Levy & recovery of fees, fines & penalties
- Limitation on the volume of trade
Bye-laws may be amended by the SE with prior approval of SEBI & published in the official gazette.
Power of SEBI to amend the Bye-laws: SEBI may amend the bye-laws suo motu or on an application in writing from the SE. It shall consult the governing body and after recording its reasons amend the bye-laws if it is of the opinion that such an amendment is expedient in the interest of trade and public. Bye-laws so amended shall be published in the official gazette. The SE may object to it within 2 months of its publication. SEBI after giving an opportunity of being heard to the governing body, revise the bye-laws retrospectively from the date of publication.
Additional Floor: It means a trading ring or facility offered by RSE outside the area of its operation to enable investors buy and sell securities through it.
When can a member enter into a contract as a principal?
- Where the member obtain the consent of the other person in writing/ otherwise in writing (gets it in writing within 3 days) & makes a disclosure that he is acting as a principal.
- For closing out any outstanding contract
- A Spot delivery contract
- A contract with another member.
Powers of CG & SEBI:
- Every RSE shall furnish periodical returns to SEBI & annual return to the CG relating to affairs of SE & members
- Maintain books (both by RSE & members) in prescribed manner & open for inspection without any notice or reasons. The books shall be maintained for prescribed time not exceeding 5 years.
- Direct SE to make enquiries into the affairs of the members & take such disciplinary action as prescribed by SEBI including imposition of fine, expulsion/suspension of members etc. and submit report to SEBI.

The Banking Regulation Act:
1. Banking – Accepting deposits of money from the public repayable on demand or otherwise for the purpose of lending or investment is called banking.
2. Banking Co. – Any Co. including a foreign banking Co. transacting the business of banking in India but it does not include any Co. which accepts public deposits for financing its own business.
3. Managing Director – Managing director in relation to a Co. means a director by whatever name called, who is entrusted with the whole or substantial part of the business of the banking Co.
4. Substantial Interest – It means the holding of beneficial interest by an individual or his spouse or minor children or all of them in relation to:
Co. - Lower of Rs. 5 lacks or 10% of paid-up capital
Firm - 10% of subscribed capital.
Name of banking Co.: No Co. shall carry on the banking business in India without using any of the following as part of its name – Bank, Banker, Banking. No other entity can use such words as part of their name. However no such restriction applies to any association of banks.
Disposal of Non-Banking Assets: Every banking Co. shall dispose-off any immovable non-banking property which is not in its use within a period of 7 years from its acquisition. The said period may further be extended to a further 5 years by the RBI in the interest of the depositors of the banking Co.
Qualifications & Experience of the BoD: At least 51% of the directors should have specialized knowledge in any of the following areas namely – agriculture & rural economy, co-operation, small scale industry, accountancy, banking, economics, finance, law. In addition a minimum of 2 directors should have specialized knowledge of agriculture & rural economy, cooperation or small scale industry. if requirements are not met then the BoD shall reconstitute the board so as to fulfill the requirement.
Reserve Fund: Every banking Co. shall create a reserve fund and transfer to the fund a sum equal to 20% or more of the profit as per P/L A/c before dividends. However the CG on the recommendation of RBI may exempt the banking Co. from such a requirement by making an order in writing.
Condition: Reserve fund + Share Premium A/c >= Paid up capital as on the date of such order.
Cash Reserve: Every banking Co. shall maintain at least 3% of its total demand & time liabilities as cash reserve or as current account with the RBI as on the last Friday of the second preceding fortnight and shall submit a return before 20th day of every month. If such Friday is a working day then on the preceding day.
Fortnight means the period from Saturday to the second succeeding Friday, both days inclusive.
Power of RBI to control advances: The RBI may give following directions to the banking Co. in the interest of its depositors, public and banking policy:
- The purpose for which the advances may or may not be made
- Margins to be maintained in respect of secured advances
- Maximum amount of Guarantees or advances to be given
- The rate of interest & other terms and conditions attached with the advances.
Note: Courts are not empowered to scrutinize rates of interest charged by banks.
Final Accounts: the final accounts comprising of B/S & P/L shall be prepared as per the 3rd schedule of the Act and signed by the manager or principal officer or at least 2 directors or if less then by all the directors.
Audit: The audit shall be conducted by a person duly qualified under any law for the purpose and such auditor can be appointed, reappointed or removed only after approval from the RBI.
The RBI may order a special audit of accounts of the banking Co by either appointing a special auditor or directing the existing auditor to do so if it is of the opinion that it is in the interest of the public & depositors. The auditor shall submit his report to the RBI and the expenses of audit shall be borne by the banking Co. The special auditor shall enjoy the same functions, duties and rights as the Co. auditor.
Submission of returns: The banking Co. shall submit the return consisting of B/S, P/L and auditor report to the RBI in triplicate before 3 month from the end of the relevant period. Such period may be extended to a further 3 months (max.).
Similar provisions apply to submission of returns to the registrar.
Inspection: RBI may order the inspection of banking Co.’s books suo motu or a direction by the CG by any of its officers and give a copy of the inspection report to the banking Co. It shall be the duty of every director, officer and employee of the banking Co. to produce all such books & documents as required by the banking officer. The banking officer has the power to examine any director, officer or employee on oath.
Appointment, Reappointment, Termination of MD etc.: Any appointment, reappointment or termination of MD, WTD or any director/CEO shall be made only with the prior approval by the RBI. Otherwise it shall not be valid.
Further powers & functions of RBI:
- May caution, prohibit or advice banking Co.
- May help them in the process of amalgamation if requested
- May grant them loans & advances
- May order meeting of its directors
- Appoint officers to overview functioning of banking Co. etc.
- RBI shall make an annual report to the CG on the trend & progress of banking in the country with suggestions if any.
- It may pass order of removal in writing to remove any banking employee (MD, chairman, officer..) in the interest of the public & depositors but only after giving a show cause notice.
- It may by an order in writing appoint additional directors for a period not exceeding 3 years (extension upto maximum 3 more years). Such additional director shall not be counted in total number of directors nor will be required to pocess qualification shares.

Further powers & functions of CG:
- If CG is satisfied upon receipt of a report by RBI that the banking co. has violated directions more than once & it is in the interest of the public & depositors then it may acquire the banking Co. by serving a show cause notice. Any prior suit/proceeding against the banking Co. may continue even after the acquisition by the CG.
- In the case of such acquisition the CG shall compensate the shareholders of the banking Co. computed as per the 5th schedule (initially it is computed by the CG in consultation with the RBI).
- If a request for re-determination of the amount of compensation awarded id made by shareholders then the CG may refer it to the tribunal only if it from not less than 1/4th shareholders in number holding not less than 1/4th of the paid up capital. The order of the tribunal in this regard shall be final on all parties.
- CG may suspend the operation of this Act for a one time period of 60 days (max.) on a representation made by the RBI. Such period may be extended for maximum 60 days at a time but not exceeding 1 year in aggregate.

Foreign Exchange Management Act:

Person Resident in India (PRI): A person is resident in India if he stays in India during the preceding F/Y for > 182 days or any person/body corporate registered/incorporated in India or an office/branch/agency of PROI in India or an office/branch/agency of PRI outside India but does not include
- A person staying outside India for any employment/business abroad and has no intension to return in the near future &
- A person staying in India otherwise than for doing employment/business in India and has no intention to stay for an uncertain period.
The word reside implies some kind of permanency. Also citizenship is irrelevant here.
Authorized Person (AP): An authorized person is an authorized dealer, money changer or an off-shore banking unit who has been allowed by the RBI to deal in foreign exchange or securities. They are granted authorization by the RBI in writing upon making an application thereof. But the RBI may cancel such authorization by giving an opportunity of being heard if the AP has failed to comply with any condition of authorization so granted. The RBI can appoint any officer to obtain any information not provided by the AP, verify correctness of information furnished and secure compliance with the Act. It shall be the duty of the AP to produce all boo, documents and every other assistance required by the inspecting officer at the time of inspection.
Duties of an AP: The AP shall:
- Comply with the general & special directions given by RBI;
- Engage in only authorized transactions or take permission of the RBI before engaging in transactions which are not in conformity with the terms of authorization;
- Require every person to make a declaration before entering in any forex transaction. If they refuse to make declaration or give information then AP shall refuse to enter into such transactions & inform RBI if anything seems fishy.
Note: If AP fails to file its return or contravenes any direction of RBI then RBI may impose a maximum fine of Rs. 10000 and if the default continues then Rs. 2000 per day.
Current Account Transactions: All transactions other than Capital account transactions. They include:
- Payment due in connection with foreign trade in ordinary course of the business or interest on loan
- Remittance for living expenses of parents, spouse & children abroad
- Expenses in connection with foreign travel, education & medical care of parents, children & spouse.
They are freely permissible subject to specific prohibitions & restrictions by CG.
Rules on current account transactions: [Please refer book]
Capital Account Transactions: Transactions which alter the assets & liabilities of PRI outside India or of PROI in India and includes:
- Transfer or issue of foreign securities by PRI
- Transfer or issue of any security by PROI or its branch/agency/office
- Any borrowing or lending in forex
- Deposits or borrowing/lending in Indian rupee between PRI & PROI
- Transfer of immovable property in India or outside India other than a lease not exceeding 5 years
- Giving any guarantee or surety by PRI and owed to PROI or by PROI.
Capital Account transaction that cannot be prohibited if:
Asset acquired

By PROI abroad (Forex assets) & later on he becomes a PRI PRI acquired assets in India and later on become a PROI Forex asset inherited by:
- PRI from a PROI
- PROI from PRI
In all the 3 cases the holder of the asset may continue to hold or transfer such forex assets.
Also there is no restriction on drawl of forex for amortization of loan or depreciation of direct Investment.
Prohibited Capital Account Transactions: Any investment in India by a PROI in an entity engaged in the following:
- Business of chit fund
- Nidhi Co.
- Agricultural or Plantation activities
- Real estate business or construction of farm houses
- Trading in Transferable Development Rights (TDRs)
Liberalized Remittance Scheme for ‘Resident Individuals’ (Not available to others): Remittance of $ 200000 p.a. for both current & capital account transactions in addition to those available under current account transactions as per Schedule III. Exceptions:
- Remittance specifically prohibited under schedule I & II of FEMA
- Remittance made to Nepal, Bhutan, Mauritius or Pakistan directly or indirectly
- Remittance to non-cooperative countries & territories
- To individuals & entities posing risk of terrorism.
Possession & Retention of foreign currency:
- AP: Any amount of foreign currency notes or coins without any limit.
- Any other person: Coins – No limit
Foreign currency notes, bank notes, traveller’s cheques – upto $ 2000.
Condition: A PRI obtained them abroad through payment for services, honorarium or gift or from AP for travel abroad
A PRI obtained them in India from a visiting PROI by way of payment for services, any discharge of lawful obligation, gift or honorarium.
General Permissions (These do not require an AP as intermediary):
- Payment by PRI on behalf of PROI for his expenses of boarding, lodging and travel
- Payment by a crossed cheques/draft to PROI for gold/silver purchased abroad and imported in India legally
- Reimbursement of payment to PROI who had been a guarantor to the PRI (who had defaulted)
- Payment of sitting fee, commission, remuneration & travel expenses to non-WTD who is a PROI
- Purchase by any person of forex in the form of postal orders or money orders
- PROI visiting India and paying in Indian rupee obtained after conversion or in foreign exchange by way of cheques/draft/traveller cheques or Postal order from a post office outside India.
# If PRI receives any advance payment from AP where AP has not received such payment from a PROI shall be deemed to have received it otherwise than through an AP.
Export of goods & services: Declare true & correct particulars of export in prescribed form indicating full value of goods exported and furnish information about realization of export proceeds to the RBI.
Repatriation: Any forex realized abroad to a PRI shall as soon as possible be brought to India and sold to an AP for rupee or held in an account with an AP to the extent notified by RBI. Repatriation includes use of realized amount for discharge of a debt or liability in foreign exchange.
Contravention of the Act: In the event of a contravention a penalty of upto 3 times the sum involved can be imposed on the accused (if not quantifiable then upto Rs. 200000). If the default continues then a penalty of Rs. 5000 per day can be imposed. In addition the forex or any asset in relation to which the contravention has taken place may be confiscated and directions may be issued for bringing back to India the foreign exchange holdings of the accused.
Procedure for Adjudication: CG shall appoint the Adjudicating Authority (AA) for adjudication. On a written complaint made by an officer of CG the AA shall issue a show cause notice to the accused. The accused shall give his reply within 10 days. AA after considering the reply, fix a date for hearing. The accused may appear either in person or take assistance of a lawyer or CA. AA may summon & enforce attendance of any other person or document. If AA is satisfied that contravention of this act has been committed then he shall after giving sufficient opportunity of being heard to the accused impose such penalty as it deems fit giving reasons thereof. The penalty has to be paid within 90 days failing which imprisonment of upto 6 months 3 years (penalty > 1Cr.) can be ordered.
An appeal can be filed against such an order to the SD (appeals) if AA was either Asst. or Deputy Director of Enforcement within 45 days of receipt of order, otherwise to Appellate Tribunal (AT). The SD (appeals) or AT may set aside, modify or confirm the order of AA. A further appeal can be made by CG/accused to the High Court on a question of Law within 60 days of the receipt of order of SD (appeals)/AT.

- Abhijeet Jaiswal

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