If someone were to ask, how and when it
He would probably not know the answer.
She crossed him as one among many,
But as days passed by and he knew her more,
She drew in him a spark of inquisitiveness
like none other.
He wanted to know her; explore the woman she
And he would probe her image to find out
Sometimes, getting confused if she was all
Sometimes having the realization, she was not
after all.
And as days passed by and his romance grew
louder in his heart,
Out of the blue, they came across wanting
each other,
Like it was all waiting to happen.
It was nothing but a wild dream come true,
For she was a beautiful princess in a dane’s
He took it all very casually, for he was a
Believing that he deserved her all this
And that she had nothing but him.
Maybe, he was so happy in her thoughts,
He never realized his sad destiny.
Things started slipping away and she was gone
from his life,
She went away without a reason he could ever
He tried hard, fighting with himself as to what
went wrong,
As he could not let go of those beautiful
And all those dreams he painted for them
He thought and thought for months and years,
As to what he could have done right to have
her stay,
But every time she would not care less.
He could never tell her his feelings,
That he could feel her eyes, lips and breadth
with his eyes wide open,
That he could never tell her that her smell
was all that made his day.
He could never tell her that even when she was
a million miles away,
He could feel her as if she was right next
And he was ready to be with her whenever she
He wanted to be with her all the time,
Watch her sleep, caress her hair and smile in
the wilderness,
If only he knew what it would take for her to
love him back,
As he loved her in his thoughts when she was
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