Friday, February 4, 2011

Princess of the Kingdom of Fakes!

Long ago there lived a girl in a port city by the west coast of the Golden kingdom. She was a charming girl who was ambitious and witty. It was her dream to become a princess one day and be liked by everyone. In fact she was obsessed with her beauty and wild desires. She lived in her own world of imaginations thinking of virgin deserts and glorious palaces in uninhabited moors. But the reality was far from glorious. She had a normal life; a life of ups & downs; a life of freedom & fear; a life of trust & distrust and a life which she disliked a little. She lived her life among ‘cobwebs’ which were partly woven by her and partly by destiny. In substance she was like every other ordinary girl but with an added beauty and an intoxicating obsession. Every night in her dreams she would dine with a new prince in their candle-lit palaces and explode all her royal desires and passions. She would go to new kingdoms and explore their ‘randomness’. She would caress her imagination until it was too late and zoom out of the matrix only to be woken by an awful alarm of everyday life. “Again the same old routine”, she would wonder. But yes, I must confess that she was talented in her real life as well. She was learning ‘craft’ & ‘design’. Here I must warn the reader that being crafty or to be able to design can have an awful lot of meanings. But yes she was beautiful. Beauty also has many dimensions. All I am referring is the outside beauty. Whether she was beautiful from within is a mystery to me as the sage who told me this story never discussed this. But after reading her story again & again I deduced that she was indeed ‘good’ from within as well but a little corrupt. That corruption had eaten away most of her conscience but still her soul was intact. Now I must get back to the story which is pinning me all the time to be told. One day she was walking alone in a desert on a lonely island when she met a gypsy. She told her about her desires and the gypsy laughed aloud. “Girl, if you have to be a princess, you need to be real. You are in your dream now. Dreams don’t last, reality does! Look around you and you’ll find deserts all around you. This desert may ruin your life if you cannot find a path to get out of it. What you are seeking is freedom to quench your thirst and that freedom you will find at the oasis; by the real incantations of life. It is in you. Just try to be real and the world will change for you. Your life will be transformed from the Kingdom of fakes to the Kingdom of fortunes. The wind will blow and show you the right path to the oasis!” The girl presented a ‘Mona Lisa’ smile and moved ahead…. It is day already and only god knows if the girl reached the oasis or succumbed to her own desires pretending to be the princess of the Kingdom of Fakes….!

DISCLAIMER: It is a work of fiction written in the memory of the sage who told me the story of the Princess of the Kingdom of Fakes. This story is not the end in itself as every story is written to be re-written until they become perfect!

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