Thursday, July 21, 2011

I lost all my WILLS

Sometimes those mountains; sometimes those clouds & way beyond the paradise. Me, my WILLS & my dreams! It’s all over now. Those dreams & cherishing moments are all but a sad memory. It all started with a nicotine cigarette & it all ended there as well. Finally I burned all my WILLS with a puff of smoke.
I remember the day when I visualized myself in the decorated uniform & the pride associate with it. The life of a maverick is always the life to live. But what is a dream which is not broken. What is a day which doesn’t follow the night? But what has that to do with me anyway. I sit here watching the rain falling; drop by drop; steady, like the marching troops. There is no wind. The trees are silent as well, as if they too feel the boredom of the CLASSIC TALE. The ‘WILLS’ is all consumed now & there is only its lingering aroma & an intoxicating feel of sadness and defeat. The nicotine puff really makes life so romantic and easy going even in these dull surroundings. Although for a short while but it takes me away from the right traditions & intolerant extremisms of those who pretend to be my well-wishers. It is their selfishness & pretentions that speaks most of the day and not their righteousness. They had their share of fun; their share of freedom and their share of WILLS! And when they had enough of it all, they talk of being a ‘working class hero’! But they do not have a choice either. They are victims of what they saw, felt & experienced. They are the products of what they did and received from their own ‘well-wishers’. And again they dictate their age old ignorance. How long will this continue? When will the Alchemist be born!

DISCLAIMER: No part of this note has any resemblance with any individual. It is a fruit of imagination, written on the request of one of my dear friends.

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