Thursday, August 25, 2011

Imperfect Perfection

Behold a perfect day in the 21st century: Your eyes are opened by a perfect mug of instant coffee. You work out in the gym in pursuit of the perfect body. You buy some pills in pursuit of a perfect health. On the way to work, you cruise in your perfect car and play a perfect selection of songs chosen solely by you. You spend at your PC terminal in your closed-off office in perfect isolation, where you are busy perfecting details. You email and chat with those with whom you maintain perfect friendships, though you haven’t seen one another for years. Returning home, you plug your mp3 device and use your phone to order the perfect pizza. Again to end it all for the day you take more pills for the perfect night’s sleep. Your day was a perfect one although for some reasons you feel more stressed than ever!
We always favour the individual over the group; it is in our human nature. We always acknowledge the usefulness of the community & our society. Yet the gizmos we create only serve individual comfort. Humanity has surpassed thousands of years of civilization & history has been made of almost every eroding rock. But what has not changed is the lust of perfectionism. Then how does one be free & comfortable in the world and at the same time live in the world? The answer is simply to rid ourselves of the siren notion of perfectibility and socializing with our surroundings because without the idea of individuals serving one another, we end up looking like ‘Perfect Jerks’. If this reasoning were not sound one would never witness a social movement, mass uprisings or simply gatherings for a social cause no matter how odd or imperfect they may look. The anti-corruption movement, currently the epic-tale of our nation is one such example where people showed their eagerness to shun their perfectionist’s veil for a social cause not for themselves but for one another. And although it may not be the perfect symbolization of our so called perfect democracy, nevertheless millions feel inclined to recoil their perfect lives to feel what it is to be really free and happy without their usual instant coffee; without their perfect gizmos and without their ‘Perfect’ lives!

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