Thursday, December 29, 2011

Come 2012....

The year 2011 is about to come to an end leaving behind yet another year and a chain of events tagged to our memory lanes. The bitter-sweet memories which we carry all along our lives; memories which make us shiver; memories which make us smile while sitting all alone in life’s canvas, giving us an idiotic impression but something which is priceless. Like every New Year, the arrival of 2011 had also witnessed lots of enthusiasm, joy and yes, resolutions! There are new targets to achieve; new grounds to conquer and for a change being sincere at times. Same is the mood even today while we inch closer to yet another year full of promise and hope. Evidently, the New Year comes loaded with positivity when our glossy New Year hopes and wishes made at the onset of the passing year have almost withered away with the gloom of disappointments & failures amid sky high expectations. But nevertheless, it only goes to show that humans are still humans and it is this positive frame of mind towards life that keeps the fire burning within us, helping us move along. My case is no different. Like every average individual, I too have my own picture of an approaching New Year. I too feel enthusiastic, joyous and hopeful about the things to come and make glossy and sometimes seemingly out of the world resolutions. For me it’s like a second chance to undo my mistakes & redo the desirable. At the beginning of 2011, I had this one big hope of clearing my CA final exams and carrying on merrily; reaping the greener pastures. But certainly the results have not gone my way and it is most likely that the drama will continue for the coming year as well with the TRPs hitting an all-time high for its January, 2012 release. The year 2011 was a year of “Great Transition” for me. Academically I declined to an all-time low and experienced what it is like to be a failure. Although I am happy that I left no stone unturned and laboured day & night for a positive outcome. What if my love is a bitter-sweet experience; what if I have always had the bitter side of it; But I believe that if I have fallen in love then the sweeter side is bound to unfold sooner than later. And thus I await 2012 not with skepticism but with warmth & hope!

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