Monday, May 28, 2012

My overly charming friends & the reality!

Sometimes I wonder about all those odd occasions when my friends’ call me up after their long hibernation and complaint of the lack of friendly warmth that I show towards them & my purported bad habit of staying aloof from them. All of a sudden I am taken aback with my mouth wide open looking for answers and finding reason in their dialogue. They also sound seemingly too happy to talk to me and behave as if it was only yesterday that we were in a beer fest together. They will be all energetic in showing how much they care & love. All this happens so quickly that my poor brain goes into a temporary crash and responds with a ‘Not Responding’ error! Thus I silently listen to their melancholy tune and give in to their phony trap. But as soon as the call is over, things come to rest. Like the Christmas carols, they will not be heard for a long time from then on. After the charming & full-of-love chit-chat, I for a while delve in their charisma and come to the belief that all is well in this world. Their sense of charm is so effective that I tend to forget that the reality is something different. I never could find an answer as to why some people pull a web of falsehood around them 24*7 just for sake of nothing. Is it just a habit they can’t help or a planned exercise?
I wonder what do they do or for that matter think when they are all alone in a dark room trying to sleep. Alas! I would pay a million rupee if I could get into their brains and bring this mystery to rest. A better option however could be to study psychology. What mystifies me the most is the creative nature of their brain and the sea of energy they posses to smile & laugh at will and cook up stories, a Mark Twain would appreciate. I specially find such people very mysterious but can’t help getting close to them. It is this temptation to demystify their personality that pushes me towards them giving me constant hurricanes of “Psychic indigestion” (a term denoting a state where one cannot digest someone’s behavioural patterns). I also find their duplicity very annoying because of their constant departures from the usual. In order to catch up with them I have to burden my brain with some extra permutations & combinations resulting in an expression too complex to decipher.  Anyhow I am not a psychiatrist. So everything I just told may be a gift of my imagination or a mere illusion. However still there remains a question unanswered. Do we really need the cosmetic charm around us to attract others and feel special for something that is non-existent even with friends who won’t mind otherwise? Should we not just present our real self all the time and see the wonders it can do to our relationships!

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