Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A picture not so perfect!

Minutes by minutes the hours tick round and round to complete days and years. The precision of the man made machine dictates our day to day routine and is symbolic of our ‘perfect life’. Yet in spite of the brilliance of the human design in what is known to the world as the clock, we also come across a gazillion other things which are equally absurd and unruly, making the arms of the clock tick with unusual laziness or sometimes at such great speed which is hard to comprehend. The idea of a system of coexistence and peaceful living is very much like the perfect clock which shall never fail in its design. However, malfunctions are bound to happen. With imbalances in the energy supply, the system comes crashing down bringing the ‘perfect life’ to a standstill.
Our constitution and its merits promised to draw a perfect home for everyone in our great land. A nation blessed with numerous languages, religions, cultures & traditions provided the much needed colours to paint it beautifully. Some colours were used in abundance while some scarcely. But while the creator chose to do so to make a perfect rainbow, the audience didn’t appreciate it and cried foul! They misjudged it as a conspiracy; as a double standard. But while the creator used the colour scheme to give the scenery the perfect radiance, the audience mistook it as a plot to blind them. A bunch of miscreants complained to the minority colours on the portrait that they are being ignored in the great creation and thus in time to come would be forgotten by one and all. The same miscreants also told the majority colours that since they are more radiant and bright, they rightly deserve the bigger pie. The majority colours basking in the glory of their importance over the minorities became boastful and even undermined the relevance of the very few colour schemes which although were scarcely visible but nevertheless were part of the ‘perfect system’. And thus started the decay of the system, which was once conceived rust free. Where the majority was to treat the minority as an elder brother treats his younger brother, the reverse happened. The majority wanted everything for themselves claiming it to be their proportionate right, while the minority felt insecure. These rifts lead to bitter quarrels and then to eventual fist fighting. Thus the picture turned ugly. And here we are discussing who is right and who is wrong; which side you are and which side am i? When we have stopped being wise in spite of all of our learning and wisdom; when we ignore to appreciate the beauty of the system based on the pillars on which it was conceived; we have actually lost the battle ourselves. And why call it a battle! After all, it was an attempt to create a perfect world which we messed up in the name of majoritarianism and total right! While the subjects are still messing with each other to stem their existence, the audience will always have the last laugh!

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