Friday, October 19, 2012

The flight of the Ugly bird!

Someone said, "What’s being a beautiful bird with clipped wings…I would rather be ugly and have my flight."

It made me sail beyond my thoughts; intriguing my senses and here is what i found:

While the beautiful bird will be praised in earnest (or without),
Even while the pain with the clipped wings escalates to excruciating heights,
The ugly bird will be cursed as the reckless maverick,
Ready to fight for his stubborn cause; all but for his happiness!

Where the beauty will one day wither away in thin air,
So will the general air of goodwill.
For after every day, there always comes a night!
The ugly on the other side will continue his free ride,
Into the unknown skies and virgin lands; all but for his happiness!

The beautiful will not be the king after all,
For he always lived for others and everyone among all.
And here lives the maverick,
Flying high and high into his dreamland!

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